Get, Set, Innovate

Test your ideas and thoughts in an instant using our intuitive solution suite.

Our Lab Solutions​

Our Lab Solutions​

Simulate market conditions with our built in simulator for all the lab tests you run on Numr.​

All our test results flow into your very own database. We create a normative DB that’s relevant for your own industry



Tap into peoples’ intuitive responses to understand the true image of your brand

Brand Strength

Understand you brand pull and the drivers that impact your brand’s strength

Concept Test

Evaluate one or more concepts relative to your specific industry

Price Testing

Price Testing

Premium or mass; Tweak your pricing strategy

Advert pretest​

Advert pretest​

Print, TV, Radio, Internet, all adverts evaluated in one go.

Product Test

Product Test

Will your product be successful in your market? Get an evaluation relevant for your industry

Get your question answered in a few hours Get your question answered in a few hours

Get your question answered in a few hours

We partner with the leading online panels to deliver the results to you with in a few hours of you asking the question.

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